This is by far the most common question we get asked, and we aim to answer it in this article for you. It can be difficult to get a straight answer when searching for this online or even when you make a phone call inquiry to a tree surgeon. As prices vary dramatically from tree to tree, we've decided to show you some pictures of our past projects and how much our clients paid for us to complete them. We hope that you can compare these pictures with your own tree/s and therefore make a rough judgement for yourselves on how much it is likely to cost you. Bare in mind this article is addressing tree removal pricing only. Pruning, dead wooding, reducing, hedge trimming etc will be addressed in another post. Thanks.
Birch removal. Cost £160
We recently removed this Birch tree from a driveway. A tree this size is relatively easy to remove with the right equipment and trained staff. There were no valuable assets to damage anywhere near the tree. There was also little to no distance between the tree and where we could park our machinery to haul the waste away from site. This saves time and effort for our staff.
List of costs:
2 qualified and experienced members of staff
Climbing equipment/chainsaws/blowers
Chipper machine
Quarter van load of waste to be disposed off
Valid relevant insurances covering any potential damage to your property
Cherry removal. Cost £260
We recently removed this cherry tree from a small garden as it was blocking the sunlight too much. This tree had to be climbed but was done so relatively easily, with a large area underneath to drop each branch onto. There was also nothing with real value underneath the tree that could get damaged apart from the fence which was already in quite poor condition. The distance we had to carry the waste off site was fairly short at approximately 15 yards. This makes the work a lot less labour intensive couple with the fact that the branches weren't heavy due to it being a small tree.
List of costs:
2 qualified and experienced members of staff
Climbing equipment/chainsaws/blowers
Chipper machine
Half van load of waste to be disposed off
Valid relevant insurances covering any potential damage to your property
Conifer removal. Cost £920
We recently removed these large conifer trees from behind a garage. They had to be climbed by an experienced tree surgeon and carefully taken down piece by piece to ensure no damage to the surrounding assets. With little room for error this takes time and skill with the correct tools. As with all large tree removals, they are very labour intensive due to the amount of waste they produce. As you can see from the pictures there was a great deal of effort put into the clean-up afterwards. We know this is a big issue for all of our clients, and we take pride in how tidy we leave our work sites.
List of costs:
Five qualified and experienced members of staff
Van x2
Climbing equipment/chainsaws/blowers
Chipper machine
Two van loads of woodchip to be disposed of
Two van loads of timber to be disposed of
Valid relevant insurances covering any potential damage to your property
Sycamore removal. Cost £1450
We recently removed this large sycamore tree from a back garden. As you can see from the pictures there were various delicate assets to be avoided, these being a newly built brick wall and fence directly underneath. There were also two houses close enough to damage and a patio area on both sides of the fence which can't be seen on the pictures. In addition to this the client was very worried about damage to his lawn. Another factor that added to the cost is the fact that there was a considerable distance on how far we had to drag all the waste (approximately 35 yards) through a tight access. Despite all that being said our team did a fantastic job completing this project and there was little to no trace of the work being carried out after we had finished.
List of costs:
Five qualified and experienced members of staff
Van x2
Climbing equipment/chainsaws/blowers
Chipper machine
Two van loads of woodchip to be disposed of
Three van loads of timber to be disposed of
Valid relevant insurances covering any potential damage to your property